Predictive Movers

Predictive Movers

How it works:

Think about the behaviors of someone as they enter the home buying or selling process. For months, they are spending more time on Zillow,, real estate blogs, home value estimator tools, researching mortgage rates, and so many more online actions. We’ve spent over a decade analyzing these behaviors in tandem with change of address data to detect people likely to need a Realtor soon. Our A.I uses predictive ad placement to perfectly time your ads for people that are about to need a Realtor.

There’s no better time to make sure your brand, face, and contact information stays in front of this highly curated and sought after audience.

A.I. Driven Solutions

Predictive Movers

Data collected and analyzed for more than a decade to build our predictive mover algorithms.

It can sound like something out of a science-fiction novel but when used properly, we are able to help home buyers and sellers find trusted Realtors when they need them the most.
How it happens

Our Working Process

Audience Creation

Identify the geography and demographics to target with ads.

Media Creation

We handle everything from ads to landing pages and more.

Marketing Mix

Choose technology add-ons to supercharge your campaign.

Performance Metrics

Impressions, Clicks, Visits, Calls, Form Fills, and text messages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Predictive Movers A.I.

Too often, media companies and agencies double dip. We believe in audience exclusivity. So, when you’re marketing to a specific area, we do not have any other Realtors marketing to that same area.

Cost is dependent on the audience size, campaign duration, and any add-ons. On average, Realtors spend about $2,500 per month with us.

A lot of Realtors depend on their brokerage’s mini-site or landing page for their web presence. We can send traffic to that page, or we can create you a custom branded landing page too.

Results vary based on where traffic is going, market conditions, and how well the leads created and nurtured.  Typically we see about a $100 cost per lead.

Ads are shown across multiple display networks. Ads will show to people on websites, phone apps, social media platforms, blogs, and more.

When we identify a person showing a propensity to move, we serve ads to all devices in their home. This would include their tablets, phones, and computers. But also, we include all of the devices that are in the home and identified as an adult (over age 18) user. 

Ads are shown 7-10x per month per device in a home. An average a home has 4.2 devices so your ads would be shown ~30-40 times each month to decision makers and influencers in the household.

We get it. This technology is pretty wild. But we’ve spent over a decade creating profiles from online and offline behavior that are unrivaled when identifying people getting ready to move. 

New Clients with Confidence

It’s a difficult task to manage your own marketing while serving your clients. Our expert strategists help you curate the right marketing mix for your goals.

Data Driven Decisions

We’ve always believed in measuring what matters. Lenders are typically an underserved community when it comes to measuring and reporting on marketing performance. We pride ourselves on sharing transparent statistics; wins, and areas for improvement. 

Learn More About Upcoming Movers In Your Neighborhood

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